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Matt Cummings III
Owner of Fix N Kicks

Invest in learning materails
Seek out feedback on your product
"I never thought that I'd make cleaning sneakers into a business. When I was younger I use to always make sure I cleaned my shoes once I got home from school so they'll be clean and ready for the next time I wear them. I'd clean them up with shoe products from Walmart or whatever I could get my hands on. I never looked at it as a business tho."

Create a self-explanatory business name
Brainstorm logo ideas
In five years, Matt hopes to take his business to the next level and open up his own store. His advice for aspiring business owners is to focus on something they have a passion for, understand the market, and avoid procrastination.
Coming up with the name for his business was no easy feat, as Matt found that many of the ideas he had were already taken. But after a month of searching, he settled on Fix N Kicks - a simple and self-explanatory label that would clearly identify his brand. The logo was particularly tricky to design, requiring time and effort to perfect. After several months of sketching and being inspired by other designs, Matt finally settled on one that spoke to him and embodied his brand. And with that, Fix N Kicks was branded.
Pricing was one of the biggest hurdles that Matt had to overcome when starting his business. He wanted to make sure he was providing value for money and meeting customer expectations, without undervaluing his work. After gaining more experience and receiving feedback from customers, Matt was able to adjust his pricing structure and create a price list that worked for him and his customers.
Matt's Tips for You
Secure a source of funding for your business
Ensure you have good quality photo and video content of your work
Ensure you have good communication
Meet Matt Cummings III – a highly skilled and self-taught shoe repairer who has created a booming business since starting his shop, Fix N Kicks. His customers appreciate the quality of service and attention to detail he provides, and this has earned him a loyal following across social media platforms. Join us as we step into Matt's story and uncover how he turned his passion for clean kicks and desire for some extra money into an incredible success.
When the pandemic hit, Matt saw an opportunity and thought to himself, "I'm always cleaning my own shoes, why not try cleaning other people's shoes for some money?" Taking matters into his own hands, he began watching YouTube videos on shoe cleaning techniques and investing in the necessary materials and supplies. He practiced his newfound art on his own shoes - the results were impressive and earned him rave reviews online. And with that, Fix N Kicks was born.
As a small business owner, Matt knows that the most rewarding part of his job is being able to work on his own terms and call the shots. He has set clear expectations with customers and made sure to communicate through every step of the process to ensure customer satisfaction. Matt ensures he can deliver what he promises while also knowing his limits - a key factor in providing quality service and keeping customers happy.
"I set clear expectations and follow through."
Define a product pricing structure
Matt is constantly driven by all the positive feedback he has been receiving from his customers, which has motivated him to learn and grow with each day. He has a clear vision for his business’s success, setting out small goals to keep improving and innovating while keeping an eye on the bigger picture in order to ensure the sustainability of his enterprise.
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