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Welcome to Small(Busi)ness

Be sure to check out our articles on Pete Hernandez, Los Angeles Barbershop owner; Julie Jules, Celebrity Makeup Artist; and Tina Renee, owner of traveling candle shop "Whiffs on Wheels". We're just getting started!
Welcome to Smallness, the small business app! We're so happy you're here.
Don't just take our word for it when it comes to starting and improving a business - there are many different approaches you can take. We'll be speaking with entrepreneurs and business owners who have achieved success by creating their own paths, adapting to changes, and hustling hard.
"...when it comes to starting and improving a business - there are many different approaches you can take."
The Small(Busi)ness Checklist App was created in the hopes of providing aspiring and existing small business owners with a comprehensive list of actionable steps to help them start or improve their respective businesses. Our focus is on the strategizing, technical, and planning phases of business operations. Additionally, new articles will be released weekly about topics such as shooting a campaign for your brand on a budget and product photography from your living room.
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