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Most articles will include a (+ADD) checkbox which will allow you to add that item to one of your existing checklists, or create a new checklist. Spotlight Articles include custom items straight from our interviewees.
Lastly, explore and check out our app! Tell us what you like and don't like. Our email is and our IG is & . We can't wait to hear your feedback on how we can make this experience a better one for you.
"Spotlight Articles"
We're thrilled you've decided to download our app! At Basal House, we believe that knowledge sharing is beneficial to both the receiver and the giver. We hope to create a library of branding, marketing, and small business knowledge for anyone on their entrepreneurial journey—whether you're an established business owner or just starting out with an idea.
We'll be talking to some inspiring business owners to get the tea on what it takes to make a business work. They'll share their stories, and you can use whatever resonates with you to help on your journey.
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